Your trees should be treated regularly by professionals to avoid messes. Tree Monkey Tree Trimming's staff is dedicated to providing you with quality tree services. Regular tree maintenance can produce long-lasting and healthy trees. Call us for tree pruning services today to give your trees the best care.
Tree removal often becomes necessary when a tree dies. Removing a tree can be a strenuous task, so let us at Tree Monkey Tree Trimming do it for you. Our emergency tree removal responds promptly when the tree needs to be removed right away.
Stump grinding removes stumps using a notched and quickly spinning wheel to reduce the stump into sawdust, leaving your property cleaner. Tree Monkey Tree Trimming also offers stump removal services to get rid of your stumps in the more traditional way.
If you don’t have trees on your property in Tucson, AZ, or the surrounding area, our tree planting service will enhance your landscape and provide privacy for your property. Our specialists know about different plant and tree varieties and will give you excellent tree care so your trees will be healthy long-term.
11/12/24 had approximately 1/3 of my large mesquite removed. It was 30 feet+ tall. The crew arrived on the time given and reviewed with me what my expectations were. Then they went to work and delivered the results I wanted. I also had 2 large sage bushes in my rear yard cut back. The clean up was exceptional both front and back. From Richard's free estimate to the actual work and cleanup my experience has been very positive.
Removed two trees (with stump grinding), as well as a half dozen large shrubs. Very fast, efficient, and reasonably priced. Did a good job of cleaning up the yards after they were done, also. Would recommend.
Tremendous service! We are very impressed with Tree Monkey. They removed our diseased citrus very quickly and were very efficient! Cleanup was outstanding and we shall be calling them again for future services.
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